mainआलेख-राशिफलब्रेकिंग न्यूज़


-Dr CP Trivedi


India is the cradle of civilization, and man has arisen in India, the birthplace of races, Philosophy, and religions. Indeed a paradise on the earth is a place, where the human mind is most fully developed and solved the greatest problems of life, and declared the whole earth is one family. Now we are realizing with the advance of science quantum theory to the Higgs field and single unified force has now become easily assessable to consider the world as a singular nest – the biosphere. The Vedic contemporary expression ‘Global village’ needs to evaluate afresh.   India’s achievements have been engraved on the rocks and walls of the temples. The Muslim invaders burnt the literature and destroy the temples to destroy the Indian culture. They have converted the Indians into ‘Islam’ and replaced the temples with’ Mosque’, which was against the ‘Quran’ & ‘Islam’ as the prophet Muhammad has instructed that the ‘Allah’ God has sent prophets in other regions also to enlighten the people and should not be forced to accept ‘Islam’ The ‘Mosque’ for prayers should not be constructed on disputed land.   The Kailash Ellora, Kutub area Delhi and Kashi Vishvanath could not be destroyed fully and singing the Glory of India. GYANVAPI’ complex ‘VARANASI’ embodied the secret of creation with ‘Jyotirlinga’ and ‘SHRINGAR GAURI’ Goddess statue, where our Mother and Sister were performing SHRINGAR GAURI’ worship from time immemorial on 4th day of ‘’Chaitra Nav Ratri’ ‘Kushmanda’ to celebrate the 4th day of dark night‘SHRINGAR GAURI’ means to decorate the creation and an egg-shaped cavity appeared from the cosmos, the precursor of the solar system in which the planets are moving in elliptical orbits.   Through this, the ‘Goddess of Dark Night’ ‘Sati’ immortal Phonon has activated the fundamental energy ‘MAHADEV’ in action in nine steps called nine-night and nine forms of ‘Goddess of the night’ and the Creation came into the existence with blast and light. It has been preserved at ‘GYANVAPI’ antiquity of India destroyed by the terrorist ‘Aurangzeb’   India is the only country where the ‘Goddess of Night’ invisible, immortal phonon is worshiped as ‘SHAKTI’ power Divine Mother as the seed-bearing mother of all. The phonon is first to appear in the pre-cosmic condition,  which has activated the fundamental energy in action, she stimulates the event to happen and the photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time. The immortal phonon has brought forward the infinite nature, which controls and beholds all existing.   The worship act 1991 is a fraud to deny the antiquity of Indian culture, where ‘Hindu’ was never a Religion in India. The 1991 act is to defend the Muslim Invaders and their superstition to justify their ‘Human holocaust’ and brutal destruction of Indian culture and temples. Which has murdered the Nation and Indian culture on 14th Aug. 1947 in the name of the so-called ‘Hindu Religion with a division of ‘Hindustan’, which was never a Religion of India. Religion is opium to tranquilize the masses to tule over the country with a divide and rule policy.   ‘Gyanvapi’ temple is ‘MAHADEV’ S, a dwelling place with ancient symbols to explore the Vedic Scientific Antiquity of India   The symbols excavated in the ‘GYANVAPI’ temple area in Varanasi have a great significance ‘JYOTIRLINGA’ was worshiped all over the world. At Mecca in Kaba, there was a polytheistic shrine with ‘JYOTIRLINGA’ now hidden. ‘JYOTIRLINGA’ radiant flame has been manifested first with blast and light and the creation came into the existence from the fundamental energy in action.   The Creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. The components of the creation evolved from the fundamental energy and merge into the same with time. Einstein’s equation E=Mc².The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force photon and phonon. .

‘Har Har Mahadev & Allah Ho Akbar’ is one.  

To establish in the world, we should search our roots in our glorious past in Indus Valley and Veda. In India, Kerala Governer Hon..Arif Mohammad Khan worship at Mahakal Ujjain, and Shri Narendra Modi pays homage to Darga Sharif at Ajmer, where is the difference. ‘Har Har Mahadev & Allah Ho Akbar’ is one. The ‘Jyotirlinga’ was worshiped all over the world once in history. At Kaba there was a ‘Jyotirlinga’ hidden in the curtain, the people move around it and touch ‘Sang a Asvad’ like ‘Nandi’ in the shiv temple. The pilgrimage wears a white cloth around them is like the tradition in India. Here the ‘Paigamber’ messenger of God prophet Muhammad Sahab declared ‘Allaha Ho Akbar’ ‘God is Great’ like ‘Eko Brahma Dwitiyonasti’.   The description of ‘Allaha’ ‘Brahma’ as described in the ‘Shwetashvataropnishad’ is the same. The Lotus flower   The radiating Lotus Petals: The A„vins crowned with lotuses The radiating lotus petals express that the biological world has been crowned with the nucleotide pairs of the DNA. O SinÏvÈlÏ set the germ; set thou the germ SarasvatÏ. May the twain gods bestow the germ. The A„vins are crowned with lotuses. The immortal thought words set the germ in the womb of the mother and the nucleotide pairs of the DNA crowned like the lotus flower, accordingly, the nucleotide pairs of the DNA develop the infant. It has been expressed by The A„vins crowned with lotuses.   Swastika   Swastika symbol to express that the oxidation and reduction reaction in the live cell body is beneficial and auspicious, and the same destroys the body after death. The magnetosphere is the region of space surrounding Earth where the dominant magnetic field is the magnetic field of Earth, rather than the magnetic field of interplanetary space. The magnetosphere is formed by the interaction of the solar wind with Earth’s magnetic field. This figure illustrates the shape and size of Earth’s magnetic field which is continually changing as it is buffeted by the solar wind. NASA Picture Space Weather Prediction Center325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305  

TEIDENT’ Life is a trinity of three immortal  

Speak forth the three words the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar. Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1) The fundamental energy is the germ of the plants and infant, which is manifested with the activation of mental code on the DNA and the three places on the DNA made apparent to synthesize the cell body. With this, the fundamental energy appears like a ‘Bull’ drives the cell body on the path of evolution with the three stages of life seated in the nucleus of the atom, and disappears with death, the germ of the plants and infant also. Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati give ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14) ‘Sarasvati’ voice stimulates the language of the DNA with holy thoughts, it gives the ear to hear the words for action,   which strike the ear and rebound. The Puramdhi leaf with immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis with food metabolism is the source of life. Life is the Trinity of Three Immortals, which appear with birth. 1. The Higgs field, immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles, a sign of the existence of all. 2. The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living beings with food metabolism and is the source of life. 3. The immortal DNA with immortal resonant words is the light of life for all with activation of DNA mental code in the womb of the mother.  

‘NANDI’ BULL is the vehicle of Lord ‘Mahadev’  

The mighty Men dressed the ‘Spotted Bullock’ immortal DNA in pre-cosmic condition, with three immortal, the ‘DRUM’ the Vibrations of immortal phonon, Voice stimulates the event in the womb of other. The fundamental energy ‘Mahadeva’ appears like the bull and drives the infant on the path of evolution with three stages of life.   The Trident with Drum   The immortal DNA is the vehicle and vessel of life The Trident with Drum three stages of life with three immortal The immortal DNA ‘Nandi Bull’ with life is the vehicle of the fundamental vital energy ‘MAHADEV’, which is present in the nucleus of the atom and drives the life consciousness on the path of evolution with three stages of life with the trinity of three immortal. The trident represents the same as the ‘Drum’ phonon stimulator of the event. Life appears with birth and disappears with death, the DNA synthesizes the cell body with five gross elements with three stages in life and immortal thought words follow him from generation to generation with new life. The immortal phonon mother Goddess stimulates the event to happen with life and feed with thoughts for action, and DNA undergoes synthesis and degradation with time. The phonon thought words are immortal. They follow the immortal DNA from generation to generation with new life.

Nandi Bull is the vehicle of ‘MAHADEV’ with trident and drum in hand.

The Bull represents immortal DNA with life and the trident represents the three stages of life with three immortals. The drum represents the immortal phonon stimulates the event with the birth of the infant in the womb and ‘Mahadev’ fundamental energy lay the germ of life and drives life on the path of evolution till death. The immortal phonon voice follows the DNA from generation to generation with new life, and ‘MAHADEV’wears garland of human skulls with life ‘MUNDMALA’ It has been expressed by the ‘DRUM’ The triplet-leaf ‘Bilva-patra’Aegle Marmelos and Aak flower ‘Calotropis Procera’ are offered to ‘Mahadev’ with water. The leaf ‘Bilva Patra’ is the symbol of photosynthesis with immortal chemical energy of food metabolism and DNA nucleotide pairs crowned like a flower on the tune of music vibrations Voice, where water is present in the womb, and move on the path of evolution with three stages in life. Bell-shaped structure Higgs field space, ensign of existence. The Mother feeds the infant in the womb and the underlying space is the ensign of existence. The cell body develops in the womb from hereditary characteristics of DNA and phonon waves regulate life.

The Great Event A pot with nectar; Immortal DNA The great event cosmology is associated with the shed of pot ‘kalash’ ‘Kumbha’ with nectarine drop. The immortal DNA is boon and vessel of life with three stages and three immortal. During the cosmology a pot of nectarine drops was shed, it is an immortal drop of Amrit for the creatures. The life blossom like a flower with the nectarine drop and leaves feed the creation with photosynthesis. It has been expressed that life is like a bird their nest upon the tree Rig. 10-127-4 The mighty man unborn fundamental energy dressed the spotted bullock in pre-cosmic condition. I saw from far away the smoke of fuel with spires that rose on high beneath it. The Mighty men have dressed the spotted bullock. These were the customs in the days of foretime Rig.1-164-43. It has been expressed that just like the smoke rises from the fire, and the fuel remains below, in the same fashion the mighty man- fundamental energy has dressed the spotted bullock in pre-cosmic condition. The immortal DNA is the vehicle of the fundamental energy with the origin of life from DNA on the earth.   Let him who truly knows (here) tell the set down the track of this pleasant bird;

the kine extract milk from his head; clothing themselves in a wrap, they drunk water with the foot. ÿg. 1-164-7 The question about the lovely bird’s securely founded station is also a thought-provoking question for the thinkers. The person, who has asked the question, is well acquainted with photosynthesis. The pleasant bird is the sun, and the source of immortal DNA as vessel of life on the earth. The Ashvin Nucleotide pair of the DNA has purine and pyrimidine base differing only in Nitrogen. It has been shed with the cosmology like a bullet. It divides in the air like the image in the mirror and maintained the continuity from the sun to the earth and in the slime soup, Life has originated in water with the development of cordial atmospheric conditions for the origin of life on the earth from the single DNA. The immortal phonon stimulates Ashvin DNA nucleotide pair for action, which undergoes synthesis and degradation with time. It has an inbuilt mechanism for the transcription and translation of the message for action with time. The immortal DNA is a vessel of life with three immortal and the three stages of life. The immortal phonon follows it from generation to generation with new life. The ‘Kalash’ pot DNA with leaves (photosynthesis) is a symbol of Life. Hence, it has been said that from his (sun) head the kine extracts milk and the plants absorb the water from the roots. . The kine extracts milk from his head indicating the visible solar rays (VIBGYOR), which are coming on the earth’s surface from the head of the sun. These rays are trapped by the plants for photosynthesis, which acts as milk-food (k–hir) for the living beings hence the visible rays of the sun have been compared with the milk and plants as kine. The absorption of water by the green plants has been indicated through the drinking of water with the foot, they represent the root system. He has asked the question to his pupil about the source of the factors, which are responsible for photosynthesis.ÿg.-164-7 ‘Once only once, the heaven was made, once only once, the earth was formed.  Once, only Prini’s milk (Soma) was shed: no second, after this, is born Rig-Veda 6-48-22 It has been expressed that in the history of the creation once only once the earth has taken its shape with cosmology. The Pri„ni’s milk – Pri„ni is the name of a cow, who gives all types of food, the shed of chlorophyll pigment has been expressed by Pri„ni’s milk, It is the source of food chains and food webs in nature and feeds the creation with photosynthesis. The purine and pyrimidine base pair of DNA, differing only in Nitrogen divides in the air just like image in the mirror. Through this has maintained continuity from the sun to the earth and in the Biological world with origin of life in the slime soup, with life’s first spark. Life is trinity of three immortal with three stages of life. We celebrate this great event, Kumbha Mela, at Ujjain after every twelve years of the cycle. Kumbha Mela at Ujjain with the entry of the sun in Aries and Jupiter in Leo has a special significance. When the sun emits gigantic radiations with nectarine drops It is a great event on Earth. It has given the way for the origin of life with cordial atmospheric conditions on earth. To preserve the ancient wisdom, the Kumbha Mela is celebrated every twelve years cycle. To keep alive this moment, we celebrate the Kumbh Mela; at Ujjain, Haridwar, Nasik, and Prayagraj, after every twelve years cycles. The pot Kumbha signifies the immortal DNA as an instrument of life, phonon beholds life consciousness and food metabolism is the source of life. The Ascetics with different ideologies gather at one place to celebrate the great event of the origin of life on Earth. The sapient beholds the life consciousness adorned to cell body with different genetic identities in DNA to cherish the life.   The “iva in meditation 11 thousand years old Statue recovered at Grand Canyon North America Smithsonian Institute America and Ash decoration ‘Bhasmarti at Mahakal, Ujjain

‘Mahadev’ in trance at Grand Canyon with blue phonon wave The Great Event This great event is celebrated after every twelve years of the cycle with the entry of the sun in Aries and Jupiter in Leo known as Simhasth Kumbha festival at Ujjain M.P. India, where the Great Temple of Lord Mahakal is situated there is the gathering of 75 Lac people to take a holy dip in the ‘Kshipra river’.  
Lord of creation Mahakal Ujjain

The ageless ‘Shiva symbol’ is the cosmic manifestation of vital energy as ‘Jyotirlinga’. It is the ensign of the existence of all with energy transformation and radiance of cosmic dawn. The symbol explores that the creation is supported by ageless vital energy from the cosmos just like a pillar ‘Skambh’. All are connected with him like branches of a tree round about the trunk.

Kailash Ellora

On other hand, the Kailash temple at Ellora caves is not built. All are cut and carved from ONE single piece of rock with high laser technology beyond imagination. It explores their wisdom of cosmology, creation, and life systematically with symbols. Its text is in the Vedas and mythology of Shiva Puran. My friend Christel has drawn attention to this by sending photographs of the Shrines and video, it has inspired me to prepare the article. It has been explored in the carving of Kailash Temple at Ellora. The great event is the activation of vital energy with its dualistic force photon and phonon. The gigantic burst generated the purine and pyridine base pair of DNA with a triple bond of hydrogen with three immortal and three stages of life. The pot ‘Kumbha’ with leaf represents the same, The bell type structure with dot represents Higgs field space ensign of existence.

The Great Event is the Manifestation of ‘Jyotirlinga’

The great event is the manifestation of the vital energy in a pre-cosmic dark atmosphere with blast and light. It has manifested first as radiant flame ‘Jyotirlinga’. Ancient Jyotirlingam at Kailash temple, Ellora caves, India, has been carved from rock.

The dualistic force of Fundamental Energy

The Creation has evolved from the fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=Mc².The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force photon and phonon. It has been expressed by Two Lion back to back on the roof The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force photon and phonon and complementary with each other.

Two Lions back to back on the roof The dualistic force of fundamental Energy

The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father and their son metaphorically.   Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28 The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulates the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre-cosmic condition. The phonon disintegrates the photon with electron configuration and half-spin changes in wavelength. It has been expressed by two lions back to back on the roof of ‘Mandap’.  

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